October 30 ((Gasteig, Black Box): In German, Polish and English | November 7 (Muffatwerk, Ampere): Live stream in Polish with German translation
TRANSIT MONUMENTAL puts the spotlight on an objet trouvé, a found object – a monument 10 meters long and weighing 500 kilograms – in order to examine very closely the presentation forms and utopias of a European nation. Inspired by the old-fashioned tradition of official gifts from a country and with the self-imposed contract to offer this monument to different representatives and groups in Poland, the group K.A.U. from Gießen and the Polish director Małgorzata Wdowik will travel with this found object through different regions, from Munich all the way to Warsaw. Free and independent, festivals and ceremonies will be staged together with the local population along the travel route between village pubs and sports grounds, and will be filmed and sent every day to SPIELART as road movie messages. Those who stay in Munich can continuously experience the current events. Upon their arrival in Warsaw, TRANSIT MONUMENTAL will stage a »territorial congress« involving the controversial march Marsz Niepodleglosci on the Polish day of independence with the monument in the background. At Theater Komuna //Warszawa representatives from different Polish political parties are supposed to decide whom this march as a symbol of the Polish national identity should belong to. On October 30 the farewell party for TRANSIT MONUMENTAL will be held as part of the ART IN RESISTANCE program in collaboration with the German Polish Society, Munich. The subsequent congress on November 7 will be shown in Ampere Munich in a live broadcast with a simultaneous translation.
You can see the videos of the 7 episodes of TRANSIT MONUMENTAL after request on the website www.kau-kolletiv.de
ConceptK.A.U. with Małgorzata Wdowik In cooperation with Johannes van Bebber (music), Alexander Buers (technical realisation), Nina Wesemann, Dino Osmanovic, Gudrun Gruber (video), Romuald Krężel, Dobromir Dymecki (hosts), German-Polish Society Munich e.V. and others
K.A.U. is the union of Philipp Bergmann and Matthias Schönijahn and Thea Reifler from the Swiss group das schaubüro. They met at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen, Germany. Their multimedia works fluctuate between performance, installation, and video art und make references to discovered situations and documentary material.
Małgorzata Wdowik studied theater direction in Warsaw and was a guest student in 2014 in Gießen, where she studied choreography and performance. In her works up until now she has approached socio-cultural questions in performances and installations, but she has also directed classic stage plays, for instance, RICHARD III and ALICE IN WONDERLAND.
Production and realization
Production SPIELART. In coproduction with: Komuna //Warszawa, Foundation for Public Space Research TU Warsaw. Supported by: Einstiegsförderung Berlin, Goethe Institut, Hessische Theaterakademie, Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft Gießen, ongoing project, Instytut Adama Mickiewicza and Small City Hall Grant Warsaw